A-DJ-Radio podcast 092

Podcast 092 - hosted by ELMART Rec. - Maria Goetz

She is a newcomer from the Midwestern United States. Influenced by dark, funky and obscure Techno. Maria has been featured on labels like Nigel Richards’ “611 Records”, “Klientele”, & most recently to Seattle’s own “Knightriders” and new Chicago imprint “Chicago Jaxxx”.
Last but not least Maria and her partner in crime Angel G. Alanis created a banging remix for our elmart release by Diarmaid O Meara & Shane Millhouse Flynn called 'Rocking Dynamo EP'.
Beside Fnoob.com and DI.FM our elmart podcast episode is available on itunes, mixcloud, play.fm, soundcloud as well as on our official elmart Homepage.